The ultimate LGBTQ resource guide, organized by topic.
The ultimate LGBTQ resource guide, organized by topic. Baptist Minister Steve Chalke published 'A matter of integrity' in Jan 2013.In 2016 he launched the Oasis Open Church Charter
This talk is worth reading (or listening to) all the way through. You don't know where it's going by reading just the first paragraph.
Dr Jonathan Tallon, Tutor at Northern Baptist College, gives an excellent presentation on the Bible and homosexuality.
'I don’t know much about transgender issues, but I’m trying to learn.
How about you? How much do you really know about this subject beyond all the screaming headlines and concerns about who goes to the bathroom where?' 'Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who led a decades-long fight against racial discrimination in South Africa, says the oppression of gay people around the world is the “new Apartheid.”'
A post by Mark Sandlin on his blog 'The God Article'
'We use the Bible as if it is a sex manual, telling us what is and isn’t acceptable in the eyes of the Lord your God. Thereby delineating out those whom it is okay for us to judge, and toward whom it is okay to direct all kinds of nastiness and holier-than-thouisms.The reality is that the Bible is not a sex manual. I know, shocker. Right?' Biblical Scholar Walter Wink offers a detailed engagement with the Bible on the topic of human sexuality.
Beeching's God-fearing lyrics are sung by millions in America's Bible Belt. Here, the singer and religious commentator discusses her sexuality for the first time and reflects on the political ramifications of coming out as a lesbian gay.
Tony Campolo, professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, a former faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania, and the founder and president of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education, has spoken out in favour of same sex marriage.