The ultimate LGBTQ resource guide, organized by topic.
The ultimate LGBTQ resource guide, organized by topic. When Deborah Met Jael defines and situates the significant elements which constitute lesbian readings of scripture. Deryn Guest explores the instability of the lesbian label and the concept of a "lesbian sensibility". The book further explores the social location of lesbian hermeneutics, noting in particular the adverse positions of lesbians socially, economically and religiously. The author also examines the non-negotiable principles that underpin lesbian readings of biblical texts. These include; upholding the dignity of the lesbian and the authority of experience; the need to operate via a specifically lesbian hermeneutic of suspicion; the principle of ensuring the views of grassroot lesbians are included; the desirability of opening a lesbian critical position to allies and finally a willingness to confront the issue of biblical authority. Finally the author evaluates strategies that have been used to date by lesbians reading scripture, identifying those strategies that are most likely to provide empowerment contemporary lesbians. This chapter will engage closely with relevant biblical texts and demonstrate how these strategies can be applied.
A new book from Darton, Longman and Todd, produced by a group of distinguished academics led by Andrew Davison, Starbridge Lecturer in Theology and Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.
This high-impact but accessible theological volume is designed for those who want to explore the issues with an open heart and mind, and to engage critically with a range of inclusive theological perspectives. Chapters include: Being Followers of Jesus Being Human Being Biblical Being Part of the Story Being in Love Being Missional
Taped live before a congregation, this is Mel White's response to those who misuse the Bible to make outcasts of God's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children. To know how God feels about outcasts, Mel takes a closer look at the life and teachings of Jesus (himself an outcast) who with all the Jewish and Christian prophets proclaimed God's special love for outcasts.
Available on YouTube in three parts: 'This is no academic treatise, although it is written by a retired scientist/engineer. I have written this book from my own experience. It describes a pilgrimage of faith that began as a challenge to my assumptions about an oppressed group of people. And at its heart is a prayerfully conducted Christ-centred Bible study. It is a pilgrimage I want to share with you. My first credential is that I am a Christian from the evengelical wing of the Church who knows his Lord for himself and the power of the Gospel to change and redirect lives... My second credential is that I have no personal axe to grind other than the claims of love and justice. I have no homosexual leanings - I am 100% heterosexual... My third credential is that I am a keen Bible student - I wear Bibles out.'
Drawing on many years' personal and pastoral experience, Jeffrey John explores the meaning and context of the mentions of homosexuality in the Bible and also considers the moral arguments, before offering guidance to same-sex couples on forming a lasting, covenanted, monogamous relationship.
Baptist Minister Steve Chalke published 'A matter of integrity' in Jan 2013.In 2016 he launched the Oasis Open Church Charter
This talk is worth reading (or listening to) all the way through. You don't know where it's going by reading just the first paragraph.
Dr Jonathan Tallon, Tutor at Northern Baptist College, gives an excellent presentation on the Bible and homosexuality.
A post by Mark Sandlin on his blog 'The God Article'
'We use the Bible as if it is a sex manual, telling us what is and isn’t acceptable in the eyes of the Lord your God. Thereby delineating out those whom it is okay for us to judge, and toward whom it is okay to direct all kinds of nastiness and holier-than-thouisms.The reality is that the Bible is not a sex manual. I know, shocker. Right?' |